Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New book to be released in Fall 2011

Coming Soon!

To be released Fall 2011!

From the book Introduction:

The book "Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change" Editor, Cheryl McLean, Associate Editor, Dr. Robert Kelly, University of Calgary, published by Detselig Enterprises Ltd., Calgary, is a project of The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, IJCAIP. Publishing activities at IJCAIP have contributed significantly to propagating a new and fertile knowledge base for research and information about the creative arts in interdisciplinary practice for community change. In the first book in the CAIP Series, Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change, released August 2010, it was our intention to show, by way of example, the considerable breadth and scope of the research. The book was a varied and multifaceted collection of creative research in action, an accessible academic text that introduced readers to new inquiries and processes while offering first hand insights into approaches.

Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change”, the second text in the series, takes a global perspective featuring projects that have used the creative arts applied in research for community and cultural change. The articles in this second volume have been divided into four thematically related sections:

Community Action and Education through Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice; Images for Witness, Community Action in Disability and Health; Arts Exploring Immigrant Experience and Cultural Identities; Human Stories “from the outside in” for Community and Cultural Change.

Many of the researchers, artists, educators, participants and community members you will read about in these accounts strive for change by joining together in interdisciplinary projects to address the most fundamental of human needs, the need for a healthy and safe communities with water to drink and air to breathe, the need for human expression and connection, the desire to be accepted and acknowledged as a human being of value and to voice their personal stories for witness whether it is from a stage, a study circle, a kitchen table or to be experienced in the photographs of a community of women, street workers, recording their stories of survival on the perilous streets of the inner city.

There is hope for change within these pages as we learn about the day to day lives of those who live on the margins, those whose stories are seldom heard. As Liz Day and John J. Guiney Yallop express so eloquently in the article, Four Poems for Four Lives, A Study of Four Ex-prisoners through Poetic Inquiry, “We believe that all human experience is of value and that all human experience has something to teach us.” For me, this statement became a touchstone, at times guiding the editing journey, an underlying theme I often referred to in the shaping of this volume.

Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change is fundamentally a book about the arts in action and practice, about people and communities making a difference through arts processes and democratic change. It may be true that we are shaped by culture and yet as is clearly evidenced by the articles in this book culture itself can be artfully shaped and re/formed within communities by the hands of the people who daily transform it.

We hope you will learn from these articles, we expect many will be transformed by what they witness through these accounts and a few might be inspired to take action themselves launching new initiatives and igniting change for the betterment of places, for the life of our cities and all who call them home and because they believe in the arts and all that communities, in action, together, can accomplish.

Our journey continues.

Cheryl McLean, Editor

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